Wichita second grader donates birthday presents to Salvation Army

Sep 4, 2013

Originally published at: https://www.kfdi.com/news/local/Wichita-second-grader-donates-birthday-presents-to-Salvation-Army-222250681.html

Eight-year-old Dmitri Buller spent his afternoon riding down Market Street in a big red fire truck. When he arrived at his destination, he picked up a box as big as him and carried it into the Salvation Army.

Inside the box were Buller's birthday presents. Instead of keeping them for himself, he donated them to children in need.

"I have lots of toys," Buller said. "I didn't really want to be greedy."

The Salvation Army will put the toys in storage so they can be given away as part of the Angel Tree program this Christmas. 

"For a child to forgo their birthday for someone else, that's just so unique and so admirable for an 8 year old," said Maj. Carole Caddy. 

Caddy said it was probably the first time that had happened at the Salvation Army. She was impressed by Buller's selflessness, saying "children are not usually wired that way." 

The Salvation Army helped out more than 9,000 children in Sedgwick County a year ago. Buller's box full of Legos and a football will go a long way - even the remote control car that he admitted would have been fun to play with. 

Buller is a second grader at Meadowlark Elementary. He said his parents supported his decision.

"I think they really enjoyed me giving them to the poor," he said. 

Visit the Salvation Army in Wichita, Kansas at: https://www.usc.salvationarmy.org/usc/www_usc_wichita.nsf

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