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Commodity Supplemental Food Program Image

Commodity Supplemental Food Program

Low-Income Senior Food Box Distribution

When: Monthly, every 4th Wednesday

Time: 1:00p - 4:00p

Where: The Salvation Army Eagle Creek | 4400 N High School Rd | Indianapolis IN 46254

If you are a senior (age 60+) and in need of food, you can bring your paperwork on distribution day after 3:00p or schedule a Certification Appointment with our Family Development Coordinator to get certified. You may need to provide the following documentation:

Annual Certifications

  • valid photo ID
  • current proof of income for ALL adults (18+) living in the household (we cannot accept bank statements as proof of income)
  • proof of residence (utility bill in your name for your current residence or a copy of your lease).

CICOA is the Administrator for this federal program and mails out eligibility and certification correspondence.

Chef for Hire provides the food boxes.

The Salvation Army Eagle Creek is the Distribution Site.

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program is an equal opportunity provider and employer.