Welcome to our new officers, Captains Aaron and Rachel Johnson

Jul 23, 2024

A word from our new corps officers:

    We are moving from Lafayette, IN which was our first appointment. Rachel has grown up in The Salvation Army, coming from a line of 4 generations of Salvationists on both sides of the family. Aaron came to know The Salvation Army as an alcoholic in need of hope and recovery. He heard about The Salvation Army in a jail cell after his 3rd DUI when a fellow inmate told him about The Salvation Army ARC in Ft Wayne. After 6 months Aaron successfully graduated from the program and was hired on but always had a feeling that God had more for him. After praying and seeking wisdom Aaron was able to articulate that God was calling him to give his life to service as a Salvation Army officer. They both entered the Salvation Army College for Officer Training, in the fall of 2016 where they met.

We are gifted musically and passionate about helping people in many ways. Self-development, equal opportunity, and recovery are just a few of the ways that we have a heart for helping people.

We look forward to serving alongside the other officers in central Indiana and all the institutions, services, and opportunities that Indianapolis offers. Moving to Indianapolis is just another opportunity for us to love and provide for more people in need.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” reminds us that when we trust in the Lord, He guides us, leads us, and gives us the peace that passes all understanding.

We are looking forward to trusting in God and serving His people at our new appointment.


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