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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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We love because God loved us first Image

We love because God loved us first

The Salvation Army provides spiritual services to anyone God brings across our path.

The Salvation Army is a Church? 

When you hear the name "Salvation Army", as a member of the general public, your mind probably floods with thoughts of dancing bell-ringers and/or your latest cool find while thrifting at one of our stores. However, very few people know that this organization goes much deeper than fundraising to provide for the underprivileged and overlooked. We also offer weekly worship services to provide for every persons' spiritual need that gives them hope for their future and peace during the journey. 

"Soup, Soap, and Salvation"

How we help share God's love

As Christians, we believe that we are all apart of one body, the body of Christ, which means we must do life together in order to function. When a family joins our church body, no matter their background, we all do our part to help embrace, develop, and empower every member to pursue God's plan for their lives, as they experience and learn to share His love with others. 

Sunday Morning Worship Service
With a vibrant and family-filled brass band, our worship experience is unique and inspirational. Our Praise Band brings our services together in a way that includes the young and the old, with styles of music that incorporates generations of beloved songs & hymns. Our team of Officers (Pastors) are dedicated in their studies for the purpose of properly teaching and discipling each person into a place of Spiritual health. 

Sunday School & Jr. Church
Our youth services are geared to teach and equip children to take ownership of their faith and lifestyle. By engaging in worship and sound Biblical teachings, our children are able to start making decisions to develop a healthy relationship with God. 

AGES: Infant - 12th grade

Monthly Family-style Potlucks
We love getting together to break bread and enjoy one another. Feel free to reach out, find out when our next one will be, and join us! 


Hours of Operation

Sunday Church Service: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM, Sunday
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Other Ways We Meet Needs
