The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Responds to Midwest Storms

Apr 4, 2023

Spring is upon us, and it brings with it some wonderful things: warmer weather, beautiful flowers and the promise of Summer. However, it is also a time fraught with thunderstorms and tornados which can wreak havoc on the communities that we serve.

Last month violent storms hit the Midwest. While we in Michigan have so far dodged the worst of the weather, our neighbors in Indiana have been hit more severely. There were at least 17 confirmed tornadoes that swept through the state on March 31.

Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services teams deployed to multiple counties where they focused on immediate needs, such as food, hydration, and emotional and spiritual care. They also coordinate with local government and other organizations to help families affected get back on their feet.

Another important aspect of the EDS’s response has been providing care to utility workers.

“While our teams were careful to keep a safe distance from electric crews while they were working, they did end up serving work crews who saw them and approached our teams seeking hydration and snacks," shared Major Mike McKee, Divisional Director of Emergency Disaster Services in Indiana.

In Michigan our EDS team plays the same important role. Led by EDS Director Charles McDougall, the EDS Canteen truck ministers to front-line workers and all those immediately affected by disasters. Most recently, the canteen served police officers at a Detroit crime scene. In the winter McDougall served food at a warming shelter for the homeless caught in the cold.

*GLD EDS truck at a Detroit crime scene

As Spring progresses, we are sure to experience more “April showers,” which will hopefully bring May flowers. But when those showers bring some less than pretty things, the Great Lakes Division’s Emergency Disaster Services stands ready to help.

If you would like to donate to the EDS ministering to the impacted areas, you can do so here. One hundred percent of monetary donations given to The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services is used for direct response in affected communities.


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