
Every year parents facing financial difficulties look for some assistance to help their children be prepared for the upcoming school year. In a year that includes a global pandemic, the need for help is greater today than in any other year in recent memory. The Salvation Army attempts to ease the struggle by providing school supplies for the children of McHenry County. Assistance to those besieged by financial stress comes in the form of new backpacks full of necessary school supplies for any child who is in need. This is an issue in our area and The Salvation Army of McHenry County’s Back-to-School Backpack Program was developed to help this yearly dilemma.
Need School Supplies?
Any families who are not able to provide their children with backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming Fall 2021 school year can request assistance. The requirement to obtain a free backpack is the following: eligibility is based on an annual household income that is $52,400 or less for a family of four (adjustments are made for larger families) or those affected by COVID-19 and living in McHenry County.
To qualify for assistance, parents must provide the following information:
- One form of verification of residency in McHenry County - driver’s license, utility bill, lease, etc.
- Proof of household monthly income - pay stubs, child support, social security, etc.
- Birth Certificates for each of the children receiving a backpack (we no longer take social security cards)
The Salvation Army will provide backpacks and supplies for children between Kindergarten through 12th Grade. Applications will be accepted at their office located at 290 West Crystal Lake Avenue, Crystal Lake. An appointment is not necessary. Families just need to show up within the listed time frame, register and receive their backpack(s) in the same visit. Children are welcome and may pick out the backpack of their choice.
Dates/Times for distribution of the backpacks are:
- Thursday, August 5, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM / 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM / 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Friday, August 6, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM / 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM / 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Saturday, August 7, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Las familias que necesitan Volver a la Escuela de Asistencia
Por favor, llame a The Salvation Army Corps Community Center ubicado en 290 W Crystal Lake Avenue, Crystal Lake. 815.455.2769. La elegibilidad se basa en los ingresos familiares anuales que no es más que el 200% del umbral de pobreza ($52,400.00 para una familia de cuatro miembros) y la residencia verificada en el Condado de McHenry.
Para tener derecho a esta ayuda, debe traer lo siguiente:
- Una forma de verificación de residencia en McHenry Co. (tal como una licencia, factura de servicios del conductor o contrato de arrendamiento)
- Prueba de ingreso mensual (declaraciones comprobantes de pago del seguro social o de manutención de niños)
- Certificados de nacimiento de todos los hijos dependientes para los grados K -12. (No aplica para niños de cinco anos o menos).
Las solicitudes se aceptan en Crystal Lake:
El -290 West Crystal Lake Avenue, Lake Crystal Ejército de Salvación Centro de Fomento de la Comunidad - 815.455.2769. Todas las solicitudes de Condado de McHenry, serán aceptados en Crystal Lake. Las mochilas serán distribuidas en el momento de las aplicaciones.
- Jueves, 5 de agosto - 10am - 12pm / 1pm - 3pm / 5pm - 7pm
- Viernes, 6 de agosto - 10am - 12pm / 1pm - 3pm / 5pm – 7pm
- Sábado, 7 de agosto - 8am - 12pm
Donate Supplies
Donations for the 2021 Back-to-School program have started coming in, but with an increase in need this year, the donations are in much greater demand. Here's a list of suggested supplies.
- School supply donations can be dropped off at The Salvation Army of McHenry County, 290 West Crystal Lake Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014, Monday – Friday, 9am – 4 pm.
- You may also consider purchasing supplies from our Walmart Registry for Good and shipping to our location.
- Financial contributions are also being accepted for the Back-to-School Program (B2S) either through mail in, drop off to the above location or online.
For more information on the Back-to-School program, please call (815) 455-2769.