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Utility Assistance Image

Utility Assistance

To qualify, the applicant must live in Missouri, reside in the home, and be listed on the account as responsible for paying the bill. The family’s gross income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guideline. The applicant must be current on their Evergy bill or have a payment arrangement in place. Funding is limited and provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Approved applicants may receive up to $65 per month toward their electric bill for up to 12 months. To apply for energy assistance, call The Salvation Army at 1-816-756-5392 and select option 1.

Download the Evergy ERPP application here. Terms and conditions available here.

Winter heating bill payment assistance for the elderly, the disabled, and families in need for customers of Atmos Energy.  This service is provided in cooperation with The Salvation Army.   Applicants may receive assistance three times per year for no more than $200 each time on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply for energy assistance, please call The Salvation Army at 1-816-756-5392 and select option 4.

Download the Atmos Sharing the Warmth application here.

Black Hills Cares helps eligible Kansas residential customers in need pay their Black Hills Energy bills or emergency energy-related home heating expenses. Black Hills Cares is funded by the generosity of its customers and by a match from the Black Hills Energy Corporation Foundation. These funds are allocated to the counties from where donations originate: 

Download the Black Hills Cares application here.

Winter heating aid program for people residing in 82 counties served by Kansas Gas Service.  This service is provided in cooperation with The Salvation Army.  The program is primarily designed to help low-income KS residents with home heating expenses.  The Salvation Army uses donations to make payments directly to the utility or fuel supplier on behalf of the person receiving assistance.  Funds are awarded as a one-time grant annually, up to $300, on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply for energy assistance, please call The Salvation Army at 1-816-756-5392 and select option 2.

Eligibility – Must live in one of the 82 counties served by Kansas Gas Service, must be the primary account holder and resident on the utility bill, income at or below 200% poverty level.  Do not need to be a Kansas Gas Service Customer, do not need to use natural gas to heat home.

Window for application: Share the Warmth applications are accepted from November 15 to April 30, annually. Applications submitted after April 30 cannot be considered for assistance.

Download the Kansas Gas Service Application here.

This program is open from January 1 to August 31, each year. Qualifying Midwest Energy customers must have a household income less than 200% of the federal poverty guideline and may not receive more than $200 per heating season.  Assistance is available from January 1st through the end of August or when the funding is exhausted, whichever comes first.  To apply for energy assistance, please call The Salvation Army at 1-816-756-5392 and select option #3 and tell them you are a Midwest Energy Customer.

Download the Midwest Customers Care application here.

Please contact The Salvation Army with any question by clicking here to email.
