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Living without medical or dental insurance is a scary thing. Uninsured residents of Olmsted County can always turn to The Salvation Army’s Good Samaritan Health Clinic, located at 120 N. Broadway, for quality medical and dental care, regardless of their financial situation.
Click here to view the March 2025 Clinic Schedule. Please call 507-529-4100 to schedule an appointment.
Please note that volunteers of the medical clinic must be licensed to practice medicine in the State of MN. Click here to view open volunteer opportunities within the Good Samaritan Health Clinic.
*Please note that we are unable to accept donations of medications or diabetic supplies.
Your support of our annual Taste of the Town event ensures that Medical and Dental Care are always accessible here in Olmsted County. To learn more, check out our upcoming events in the upper right hand corner of this website or call our community engagement team at 507-288-3663 ext. 3802.
En Español:
Vivir sin seguro médico o dental es algo aterrador. Los residentes sin seguro del condado de Olmsted siempre pueden acudir a la Clínica de Salud del Buen Samaritano del Ejército de Salvación, ubicada en 120 N. Broadway, para recibir atención médica y dental de calidad, independientemente de su situación financiera.
Por favor llame al 507-529-4100 para programar una cita.
Haga clic aquí para ver las oportunidades abiertas de voluntariado dentro de la Clínica de Salud del Buen Samaritano.
* Tenga en cuenta que no podemos aceptar donaciones de medicamentos o suministros para diabéticos.
Su apoyo a nuestro evento anual Taste of the Town garantiza que la atención médica y dental siempre esté disponible aquí en el condado de Olmsted. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestros próximos eventos en la esquina superior derecha de este sitio web o llame a nuestro equipo de participación comunitaria al 507-288-3663 ext. 3802.
The Good Samaritan Health Clinic serves the low-income and working poor populations of Olmsted County. Our services include: Acute Care, Psychiatry, Pediatric Care, a clinic for Diabetes & Hypertension, Cardiology, Rheumatology, a Monthly Eye Clinic, A Breast Clinic in Partnership with the SAGE Program, Tooth Extractions, Treatment for Tooth Pain, including antibiotics, dental x-rays, and pharmaceuticals, all at a free or reduced cost. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, please call 507-529-4100.