Emergency Housing in Rochester, MN

Aug 27, 2024

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word crisis as, “an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending-especially one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome.” Unfortunately for one Rochester family, this definition became a reality. Experiencing a housing crisis, this family of four with two young children faced a difficult situation.

Having been evicted from their home, they did what most would: they found sanctuary in the home of family. But this was not a permanent or a healthy long-term solution. After being asked to leave the family member’s home, they had no other option but to sleep in their vehicle. With no apparent solutions, they came to The Salvation Army in Rochester, MN, where they were met by the Social Services Coordinator, Isabel.

Isabel was able to help them complete a Coordinated Entry Assessment, the first step for any family or individual who finds themselves without housing in Olmsted County. “Coordinated Entry is a combination of a database and a waiting list,” said Isabel, “It’s the system social services agencies use to identify individuals and families who would be a good fit for housing programs when openings become available, and that’s across nonprofit organizations, not only The Salvation Army.”

But The Salvation Army wasn’t done there. “I did a referral for the household to Rochester Public Schools’ In-Transition program,” stated Isabel. “This family was able to get connected with a social worker from this program.” The Salvation Army was also able to temporarily house the family through a motel voucher.

Hope was beginning to emerge. With a roof over their heads, the family began to see improvements in their situation. “The In-Transition program was able to house the family,” said Isabel. This story has a positive resolution. Unfortunately, many are still in search of this happy ending.

The goal for every family accepted into the emergency housing program is that they find a permanent setting when they exit the program. The Salvation Army works closely with the Olmsted County Housing Stability Team, who provide ongoing case-management for families to help them get into permanent housing. The Salvation Army’s role in this process is making the initial connection with the county and providing a temporary place to stay so that this case-management can begin.

Utilizing the resources available is key to finding a solution to an issue. The issue of emergency housing requires many organizations working together to help alleviate the housing crisis facing Rochester. As more and more cases of homelessness and housing insecurity arise, more and more assistance is required.

The Salvation Army is one of 10 organizations that have come together to form the Any Path Home initiative, collaborating to make episodes of homelessness short and far between for households and individuals in Olmsted County. “We hope this initiative will also educate the public about the need for affordable housing in this community,” said Major Candace Voeller, Corps Officer for The Salvation Army in Rochester, “It’s a mistake to assume that every person who becomes homeless is incapable of living in a regular apartment setting. Some are not- they need a case manager and additional support, but many people become and stay homeless simply because they can’t find affordable housing.

“Our community needs a clear, definitive understanding of what is actually affordable. It’s hard to find an apartment in this town for less than $1,000 a month, and for people working minimum wage jobs, even if they’re working full-time, it’s very difficult for them to afford that expense. Once we have that definition, we need to work together to then make truly affordable housing available and accessible.”

The Salvation Army Castleview Apartments and Rapid Rehousing programs work to provide housing and case management for individuals and families who have become homeless. “Rapid Rehousing is the program I think the fewest people in this community are really aware of,” said Isabel, “The Salvation Army works with families who have become homeless to find an apartment, and then we subsidize their rent for a period of time.

“All the while they are in the program, they are meeting with our case manager, setting goals for themselves, we connect them with other resources in the community. The hope is that, by the time they graduate from the program, that they are financially independent, and that they are able to stay in the home they’ve been living in without the help of The Salvation Army.”

Castleview, however, is designed to support individuals who have struggled with chronic homelessness. The Salvation Army employs two full-time case managers to work with the 32 individuals who reside there. “Our goal is to provide housing support for people all along the spectrum of housing needs,” said Major Candace, “Whether they’re in jeopardy of losing their housing, they’ve only just become homeless, or they have been homeless for a long time, we want to be that safety net and that helping hand.”

The Salvation Army is open Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm. Anyone in need of housing support is encouraged to call 507-288-3663 or to email rochestersocialservices@usc.salvationarmy.org.

Merriam-Webster, 2024, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crisis. Accessed 16 Aug. 2024

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