Donations in Action: Bilked out of thousands

Oct 12, 2018

Many of the people The Salvation Army serves are in the middle of crazy, unpredictable circumstances. Their stories can be heartbreaking, uplifting and everything in between.

Here are some of their stories, submitted by Salvation Army social workers and caseworkers from across Minnesota and North Dakota. Out of respect for the people involved, we are retelling the stories without using names.

If you have ever wondered how The Salvation Army uses your donations, here are some good examples:

Bilked out of thousands

An elderly man came to our food shelf in need of groceries. He seemed to be somewhat disoriented.

Speaking in a soft voice, the man explained that he and his wife had no money left. They’d been bilked out of thousands of dollars by a financial advisor they’d trusted. The man said he never imagined that he would ever have to ask anybody for food. He had no idea how he and his wife would meet all of their other financial obligations.   

The man was thankful he could come to The Salvation Army for help. I told him about other food pantries in the area and referred him to the county office for social services assistance. I pray that the lord rights all of the wrongs done to this poor old man and his wife.      

Unstoppable joy

Lately I have been working with a young single mother whose faith is absolutely remarkable.

The mother and her two kids have been living with a multi-condition disease that causes them to feel pain all over their bodies. The disease is still being researched and does not even have a name.

This mother cannot pay her bills because she must travel to Mayo Clinic in Rochester every week and because her kids’ father is not paying child support. To top things off, her electricity was shut off recently.   

Despite these horrible circumstances, the mother remains joyful and gives glory to God. Her upbeat attitude is amazing.

Due to this mother’s unusually difficult situation, I was able to offer her financial assistance in a slightly larger amount than what it is normally allowed. I also helped her fill out her medical affordability paperwork.

Most importantly, I prayed with this mother. A coworker of mine joined us. We all wrapped our arms around one another and cried.   

School supplies

It is amazing how much of a difference school supplies can make in the lives of struggling families.

In early September, for example, a woman came into my office asking about school supplies for her two daughters. She couldn’t afford school supplies because her husband had left the family due to his addiction. He’d taken her car with him, which had caused her to lose her job. She was in deep financial trouble.

Thankfully, I was able to give school supplies to this mother and her daughters, including backpacks, notebooks, pens, paper, and other stationery. Her youngest girl was thrilled to have a new backpack. After she put it on, she wouldn’t take it off.

As I continued talking to the mother, she told me that she had gotten her car back from her ex-husband and that she was just about to start a new job. But she was worried about whether she could afford to get to and from the new job because her car’s gas tank was only half full. To her surprise, I gave her a gas voucher. She did not know The Salvation Army offered this service. She was so thankful and delighted.

Cleanup duty

This month I helped an older man who was on the verge of becoming homeless. The man struggled with hording. He owned a bird that had been loose in his home for a long period of time, contributing to the already unsanitary environment.

The man became sick and was placed into a senior care facility. Officials would not let him move home due to the condition of his house.

A social worker at the man’s care facility began raising money to hire a professional cleaning company to save the man’s home. The Salvation Army and other local churches contributed to this fund.

The man’s home was cleaned. Once he’d recovered from his illness, he was allowed to move back in.

This situation was a great example of how The Salvation Army and other local churches and agencies work together to do good things.     

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