Donations in Action: Race against time

Sep 9, 2019

Many of the people The Salvation Army serves are in the middle of crazy, unpredictable circumstances. Their stories can be heartbreaking, uplifting, and everything in between.

Here are some of their stories, submitted by Salvation Army social workers and caseworkers from across Minnesota and North Dakota. Out of respect for the people involved, we are retelling the stories without using names.

If you have ever wondered how The Salvation Army uses your donations, here are some good examples:

Race against time

A young couple was homeless and expecting their first child. The father and mother both worked jobs that didn’t pay much. They were stressed-out knowing they had a baby on the way but no place to live.

The stress compounded when the mom went into labor early and gave birth to a boy. Although their preemie son was underweight, he was beautiful, happy and resilient. He remained in the hospital for two months to gain weight and be monitored.

We began working feverishly to help the young couple secure a home before their son was released, helping them to search for apartments and financial assistance. We found both, with a portion of the funds coming from The Salvation Army.

The couple was able to move into an apartment before their son came home. They were thankful beyond words, excited to have a warm and safe place to raise their baby boy. 

Stop and listen

Recently we met with a woman who’d been living in her car for over a year. 

After helping her complete an application for housing assistance, we spent an extra 45 minutes listening to the woman tell her story. We learned she had been in an abusive relationship, which led to her enduring an eviction and a traumatic brain injury. She had been pushed aside by everyone and understood by no one.

Thankfully, our program will give her stable housing next month. This woman and her story are important reminders that there are thousands of people who do not have housing in Minnesota – people who need help and a listening ear.

Healthy eating is spendy

A woman came to our food shelf overflowing with gratitude because of the fresh foods we offer. She was trying to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. But she did not have extra money to spend on healthy foods because they are typically more expensive than unhealthy foods. 

The woman appreciated the variety of fresh foods available at our food shelf, including lettuce, potatoes and onions, along with fruits such as apples, oranges and bananas. She lived less than a mile away and said that having access to healthy foods was a huge blessing.

Home sweet home

A great victory took place last month. After a four-month search, we helped a formerly homeless family secure stable housing for the first time in years. The mother, father and their toddler had been living in shelters and bus depots, sometimes riding the light rail all night long just to stay warm.

The toddler had never known what it’s like to have a permanent place to call home. But now he has a warm bed and a soft pillow to sleep on every night.

The mother said she is in awe of their new home, how quiet it is, and how many neighbors say hi to her.

In addition to helping the family secure their apartment, we also referred them to an agency that provides free furniture. The family is grateful for their newfound stability and the help we gave them.   

The Salvation Army Northern Division pledges to do the most good with your gifts of time and money, with 81 cents of every dollar going directly to services. Join us by volunteering or making a donation to support your local community. 

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