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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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About Bed and Bread Club

The Bed and Bread sustaining donor program is a crucial lifeline for families struggling to make ends meet. This program provides shelter to people experiencing homelessness and meals to people experiencing food insecurities. By supporting the Bed and Bread program, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of these families and help them get back on their feet. Just $25 will provide a week’s worth of meals for a hungry family of three.



Your Bed & Bread Club membership

supports people like...

Teri, her husband, and their three kids. Since late 2022, the family has received a steady supply of groceries at our food pantry in Brooklyn Park while Teri has battled cancer. Teri spent years on leave from her job at a mortgage company while the family’s only source of income was Teri’s husband, who works for the government. The family is thankful for your donations to The Salvation Army during their hard-fought journey. “We appreciate everything The Salvation Army does – we just can’t thank you enough,” Teri said.

 Lauren and her kids. Three years ago, the single mother was living in a shelter for victims of domestic violence. The Salvation Army invited her to live in one of our permanent supportive housing units, where she could receive affordable housing and case management support. She continues to live in the home and is now working full-time and doing better than ever. “When you donate to The Salvation Army, it gives someone like me a chance at life again,” Lauren said. “I’m happy and healthy for the first time in my life. I couldn’t be more grateful.”  

For years, Bradley battled addiction and homelessness. “I could see that I was ruining my life, but I didn’t care,” he recalled. His life took a dramatic turn in 2019 when he contacted The Salvation Army. Our caseworker invited him to enroll in a Salvation Army program could provide him with food, housing, and addiction counseling – all made possible by your support. He enrolled in the program and has been sober ever since. “The Salvation Army stood by me – I love this place so much,” Bradley said.

 Zarina, her husband, and their son. Three years ago, the family immigrated to America after fleeing Venezuela. After receiving a flyer about The Salvation Army at a bus stop, Zarina and her husband stopped by to receive bread, meat, produce, and other foods. They immediately fell in love with The Salvation Army’s mission and started working for us after they received their work papers. “This is a wonderful opportunity for us to be an example to Hispanic people, to show what God can do in your life and how The Salvation Army can help,” Zarina said.

Join us At the Twins game

On Monday, May 27 - Thursday May 30th we will be on the plaza before the Twins game. Look for our street team and pick up one of our Twins medallions to wear at the game.

pr contacts

For local media queries, please contact:

Dan Furry
The Salvation Army Northern Division
Office: 651-746-3572

For corporate partnerships, please contact:

Angel Fields Mitchell
The Salvation Army Northern Division
Office: 651-746-3510