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Bell Ringer Video and FAQ

Got questions about volunteering as a bell ringer in Minnesota or North Dakota? Watch this video, then scroll through our FAQs. Thank you for considering a shift at a red kettle this Christmas season.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t find your answer below, please call us at call 651-746-3519 or 800-456-4483.

When you volunteer to bell ring, you help improve, and even save lives. The money dropped in a red kettle goes right back into your local community. By now you’ve likely heard that two hours of your time at a Salvation Army red kettle raises about $60 in donations.

While anyone is invited to join us as a bell ringer, kids under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Teens 16 and older do not need to have an adult present. Families report bell ringing is a great way to instill a sense of community spirit in young children.

The kettle is securely locked onto the stand, and only Salvation Army staff may remove it. If the next ringer has arrived, simply give them the bell. If no one has come to replace you or collect the equipment (last shift of the day), simply place the bell next to the kettle, and you may leave. Volunteers are not responsible for “standing guard” over the kettle once their shift is finished.

Most kettle sites have limited space. Groups of more than three people may intimidate potential donors. Generally, up to five people may ring at a kettle site at one time, except in special cases.

Simply sign up for a date, time and location that’s convenient for you. A kettle and bell will at your location when you arrive. If there is already a ringer there, just let them know you are the next scheduled volunteer and take over for them. Then, start ringing with a smile. Wish shoppers a “Merry Christmas” and thank people for their donation.

In most areas, volunteers can sign up for a minimum shift of two hours. We encourage volunteers to take four hours or more to help The Salvation Army manage sites and volunteers more efficiently. To make it even more fun, we encourage you to find someone to ring with you.

If you are unable to make your scheduled ringing time, please call your local Salvation Army office at least 48 hours before your shift. If your shift is fewer than 48 hours away, please call the contact number listed on your confirmation email.

As part of our agreements with the stores, we are not allowed to give out items or promotional materials at kettles. We ask that while you are volunteering you do not give anything such as candy canes, flyers or other items to shoppers.

The Salvation Army is a Christian church. We want everyone to have the opportunity to attend a worship services on Sundays and enjoy a day of rest.

In some cases, yes it does.

Bell ringing can count for service hours for churches or schools, but does not count for Court Mandated Community Service. If you would like to schedule community service hours please indicate this in the Special Instructions or Comments field when you select your shift. If you have a form that needs to be signed, bring it with you while you are ringing and ask The Salvation Army staff person to sign it. If you do not get it signed while you are ringing or you need a letter, email us and let us know that you need your hours verified.

Again, at this time The Salvation Army cannot accept Court Ordered Community Service hours. Contact Sarah at 651-746-3426 for more opportunities.
