Christmas in May?

May 7, 2015

Christmas may be seven months away, but planning for The Salvation Army’s “Operation Toy Lift” program has already begun.

Operation Toy Lift supports incarcerated men and women and their families in Minnesota and North Dakota. For more than 30 years, The Salvation Army has purchased toys, brought them to local prisons and allowed parents to “shop” for free for Christmas gifts for their children.

“It lifts the child up,” said Envoy Tonya Carlson, a chaplain with the Salvation Army Correctional Services department. “It lets them know they are thought of, loved and missed. That’s really important.”

Operation-Toy-Lift-300x200Last year, the department purchased and distributed more than 1,600 gifts. Each child received a gift with a handwritten note from Mom or Dad, without ever knowing The Salvation Army was involved.

“This is truly a labor of love for staff and volunteers,” said John Hulteen, with the Salvation Army Corrections department.

And that work is already underway. Staff members have ordered 1,800 new gifts and toys and are planning to begin visiting the prisons in August to meet with parents who have been approved for the program.

This year, The Salvation Army has added the Waseca Federal Women’s prison to list of facilities we serve with Operation Toy Lift. That brings the total to 14 state and federal prisons within Minnesota and North Dakota.

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