Food shelf helps unemployed man feed family (video)

Mar 26, 2015

“This month is pretty rough,” said Jamie Lamb, 34, East Grand Forks. “I ran into a financial bind.”

Rough may be putting it mildly. Lamb explained how he quickly lost $200 after he put too much faith in someone and they stole his money. He’s currently unemployed, but hopes to be rehired at his cousin’s bait shop once fishing season starts. But despite it all, he still has hope.

jamie lamb loading food grand forks 300x200“I just face the facts. I don’t want to come here. I’d rather just buy my own food, but it’s a good deed what these people are doing for others,” said Lamb.

The other day Lamb walked into the Grand Forks Salvation Army empty handed and walked out with boxes filled with food and juices – the supplies needed to feed his family. The last time he asked for help from the food shelf was several months ago. Again, he felt like he had no other choice.

Grand Forks Salvation Army 300x200“I’d rather be more reliant on myself, but I’m not ashamed to come here,” Lamb explained.

The Grand Forks food shelf prides itself on serving people in the community who have nowhere else to turn. The emergency food shelf doesn’t replace a trip to the grocery store, but supplements it. Lamb figures the food that he picked up will likely last him a little over a week. That’s just long enough to get him through the month until he receives his next unemployment check. Ideally his unemployment will not last much longer either.

“Soon as the lakes thaw and people start fishing, I’ll be making some money,” said Lamb.


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