Fun family activity: Blessing Bags

Dec 5, 2015

We have a great activity that will not only give your kids something purposeful to complete during some time off, but one that can be enjoyed by family members of all ages. We can’t claim it as our own, but thought we’d share an idea that’s sweeping the Internet called Blessing Bags.

Blessing Bags are just like they sound – a plastic bag full of necessity items you keep in your car and give out whenever you pass someone living on the street to meet their needs and bless them. Kids can help plan a shopping list of items to include, shop for the items with you and assemble the kits.

Suggested Blessing Bag Items:

  • Gallon size bags
  • Chap stick
  • Packages of tissues
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Comb
  • Soap
  • Hotel size shampoos
  • Trail mix
  • Granola bars
  • Crackers
  • Pack of gum
  • Band aids
  • Mouthwash
  • Coins or predetermined dollar amount, say 5.00 (could be used to make a phone call, purchase a food item or do laundry)
  • Hand wipes
  • Tampons (for women)
  • Warm pair of socks
  • Packet rain poncho
  • Hand warmers

We would also recommend including a sheet of paper with the address of your local Salvation Army and ways we may be able to help, such as information about shelter or food programs.

These bags are a great way to teach kids about the importance of helping others and, each time you hand one out, to show them a practical way to put Christ’s love for others into action.

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