Prayer: An all-important Salvation Army service

Oct 21, 2015

The Salvation Army offers an all-important service that is sometimes overlooked: prayer.

The Salvation Army is a church and believes prayer is just as important as food, housing and all the other services we offer. Prayer connects us with God, yielding wisdom, comfort and joy, even in tough times.

When people in need arrive at The Salvation Army, officers and staff offer to pray with them. Here are three such instances when the offer was accepted, as told by Salvation Army social workers:

Serving People Through Prayer

Prayer for an ill daughter

We’ve been praying with a particular woman for a while now. She is a recent immigrant from Europe and speaks limited English. She cares for her daughter, who is very ill. The last time this woman came in, I gave her food and a Bible, and I prayed with her. When she came in today, I was hoping to hear good news. Sadly, her daughter has not improved and doctors have no answers or medications to give. It’s heartbreaking to keep hearing the same story. But I’m glad The Salvation Army can play the small part of being a listening ear and providing food for this family. We will keep praying for this sweet woman and her daughter. We will keep hope alive.

Prayer for a resident away from home

One of our residents of The Salvation Army Booth Manor senior housing facility needed extended medical care. I and another Booth Manor staff member visited the man to encourage him and reassure him that he was missed “back at home.” At the end of the visit, we bowed our heads and prayed with the man. He was moved by the prayer and the spiritual nourishment it gave him. The Salvation Army’s commitment to minister to the full person – mind, body and soul – is a wonderful model of service. I am honored to be part of it.

Prayer for peace in a stressful time

A frantic young man came into our office soon after he’d been evicted. He was angry and upset. After praying with him, he calmed down. I learned he had a documented mental health issue. I shared with him where he could get assistance, a process I promised to walk him through while it played out during the next several days. In the interim, we were able to put him up in a hotel. He was grateful.

Praying for our Supporters

Not only does The Salvation Army pray for the people we support, we also pray for the people who support us. Every month, we receive dozens and even hundreds of prayer requests from people all over the Twin Cities, North Dakota and Greater Minnesota. Each request is given to a Salvation Army officer or appropriate staff member. They pray for every single one.

Need Prayer?

The Salvation Army is ready and willing to pray for you. Here are three easy ways to relay your prayer requests:

  • Submit a prayer request online. The simplest way to let us know about your request is to tell us about it online right now.
  • Mail a prayer. Open the next piece of mail you receive from The Salvation Army. Most times, it will include a section for prayer requests (or comments) and a return envelope. Simply write down your request and drop it in the mail.
  • Visit us. A Salvation Army officer or appropriate staff member would be happy to pray with you. To find your nearest Salvation Army, type your ZIP code below.



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