Saluting and supporting our veterans

May 22, 2015

Memorial Day weekend may be the official start of summer in Minnesota, but it’s important to remember that the holiday is about much more than barbecues and boating.

Since World War I The Salvation Army has been serving our men and women in uniform, and that commitment continues today.

“Veterans have risked their lives serving us, giving back to them is our duty,” said Lt. Col. Robert Thomson, Salvation Army Northern Divisional Commander.

“It’s a God-send, really,” said Murray, a Vietnam vet who ended up homeless after his long-time partner died and he could no longer afford his rent. “I would be in a shelter downtown, if it wasn’t for here.”

Mpls-Vet-Housing-300x200Here, is a supportive housing unit in South Minneapolis (pictured) where 10 units are reserved for veterans. They can stay up to two years, while they work with Salvation Army social workers to help them get back on their feet, find jobs and permanent housing.

“Homelessness among vets is a bigger problem than people realize,” said Alya Vang, veterans case manager at The Salvation Army. “There are many out there that we aren’t even aware of. Outreach is a big part of what we do.”

Bruce, who served in the Navy, is another client here. He ended up homeless after he lost his job and unemployment eventually ran out. “I don’t know where I’d be without this,” he explained.

Today, Bruce has a new job and is saving money to get his own place when his time here is up this summer. “The Salvation Army does the Lord’s work, that is for sure,” he said.

John was injured during his service in the Army. When he ended up with nowhere to go, he landed here. He says the program has provided him the safety net he needed to get back on his feet and even go back to school, so he can rebuild his life.

“I am just very blessed and thankful that it’s here for me,” John explained.

The Twin Cities Salvation Army offers a variety of programs specifically designed to help veterans with housing, basic needs, rehabilitation and counseling, if they are needed.

“Veterans have many complex issues,” said Krystle Englund, veteran’s homeless prevention case manager. The program has provided support to hundreds of veterans and their families since 2011. “It’s so important to assist the people who helped to defend our freedom, we owe it to them at the very least,” Englund said.

Your donations help support these and other life-sustaining programs for our veterans.

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