The Weekly Devotion for the Week of July 1

Jun 28, 2024

Serve the Lord with wholehearted devotion and faithfulness in Him. 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  It means having a deep reverence and awe for God’s majesty, holiness, and power.  This reverential fear leads us to obedience and worship.  Joshua is reminding the Israelites – and us – of the importance of placing God in the highest regard in our lives. 

Joshua urges the people to “serve him with all faithfulness.”  This call to faithfulness is a call to a life of consistency and dedication.  It’s not about serving God only when it’s convenient or when we feel like it. 

Serving God with all faithfulness means committing every part of our lives to Him – our time, talents, resources, and decisions.  It’s about living a life that reflects our devotion to Him in every aspect.

The Israelites were called to renounce and abandon any idols or false gods they had from their past.  For us today, it may not be physical idols, but we still have things that can take God’s place in our hearts – such as money, success, relationships, or even our own comfort and desires. 

Finally, Joshua declares, “serve the Lord.”  This is a definitive and exclusive command.  Serving the Lord means making a conscious choice to follow Him and Him alone.  It’s a commitment to His ways, His commandments, and His purpose for our lives. 

In a world full of distractions and competing loyalties, Joshua’s call to serve the Lord with all faithfulness is more relevant than ever.  Let us heed this call and dedicate our lives to serving God with all our hearts, minds, and strength. 

May we be a people who reflect God’s love and faithfulness in everything we do.

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