The Weekly Devotion for the Week of July 22

Jul 18, 2024

Our joy is found in the Lord, not in our circumstances. 

The book of Habakkuk is a dialogue between the prophet and God.  Habakkuk begins with being angry at God, but by the end of the book, he has moved from questioning doubt to a place of profound trust and joy in God. 

In verses 17 and 18, Habakkuk paints a picture of absolute desolation:  fig trees not budding, vines without grapes, olive crops failing, fields producing no food, sheep missing from the pen, and no cattle in the stalls.  It represents a total collapse of the economy and a loss of all means of sustenance. 

We too face various forms of desolation in our lives.  It could be a loss of a job, a broken relationship, a severe illness, or the death of a loved one.  These are moments when our world seems to crumble, and despair creeps in.  In such times, our faith is tested to its core. 

Habakkuk’s response is astonishing:  he chooses to rejoice in the Lord.  This choice is not a denial of reality but an act of faith.  Habakkuk teaches us that joy in the Lord depends not on our circumstances but on our relationship with the Lord. 

Our joy is in our Savior.  Jesus is our ultimate source of joy.  He has overcome the world and promises to be with us always.  When we fix our eyes on Jesus, we find a joy that transcends our trials. 

He is faithful, He is good, and He is with us.  Let us rejoice in Him today and every day, trusting in His unfailing love and promises.

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