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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
We provide housing for homeless male veterans at the Staples Veterans' Hope House.
Admission to the Staples' Veteran's Hope House is coordinated in conjunction with Veterans' Affairs.
Anyone who is experiencing a housing crisis, should call Housing Access for Washtenaw County (HAWC):
(734) 961-1999
Please note, that HAWC is no longer operated by The Salvation Army of Washtenaw County.
By offering access to free fresh produce and canned goods, we provide valuable meal supplementation while helping those in need maintain their independence and dignity.
Our Ann Arbor location offers food pantry on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am - 11:45am and 1:15pm - 3pm
The Third Thursday of the month is the distribution day for bags of non-perishable food as well.
Contact 734-668-8353 or click here for more information.
We serve all of Washtenaw County from our Ann Arbor location. Our social workers might be able to provide assistance with utilities and other needs as funds are available.
By appointment only.
Contact 734-668-8353 to set up an appointment and to learn what documentation is required.
Are you concerned about the basics that you need for you and your family?
You can take the first step today by joining the Pathway of Hope to help you navigate the challenges to a better future. To get there, a caseworker will work with you to design a plan around your individual goals, needs and strengths.
Contact 734-668-8353 to set up an appointment.
Click here for more information on the Pathway of Hope.
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