Shining a Light on The Salvation Army's Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) Department

Jun 21, 2023

As the 2023 severe weather season unfolds, we’re always at the ready – watching the skies and staying prepared to respond wherever needed.

Here at The Salvation Army Western Division (based in Omaha and serving Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota), we do this via our Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) department. We have EDS teams stationed in communities across our three-state service area; they’re equipped with canteens (food trucks) stocked with food, water, and supplies. These teams comprise Salvation Army officers, staff, and volunteers.

Nationwide, The Salvation Army has a long history of providing relief in the wake of natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and forest fires. In fact, that history started more than a century ago -- when Salvation Army crews rushed in to help survivors of the September 1900 hurricane in Galveston, Texas.

As one of the largest disaster-relief organizations in America, The Salvation Army can be ready to respond within hours of a disaster -- and can develop plans unique to the community affected. Our core EDS services include food, disaster-relief social services, recovery, emotional and spiritual care, and emergency communications.

Our EDS work is only possible thanks to your generosity. Thank you for your support!

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