The Weekly Devotion for the Week of May 20

May 17, 2024

Jesus makes us new every day to strengthen our relationship with Him so we can have eternal life.

In John 15:2, Jesus portrays himself as the vine and His followers as the branches.  Just as branches draw their life and sustenance from the vine, we draw our spiritual nourishment from our union with Christ. Without this vital connection, we cannot bear fruit.

Jesus speaks of two types of branches:  those that bear fruit and those that do not.  The branches that bear fruit undergo pruning, a process of cutting away dead or overgrown parts to promote healthy growth.

Similarly, in our spiritual lives, God prunes us through various experiences, disciplines, and challenges.  These may include trials, hardships, or even moments of conviction and correction.  While pruning may be painful, it is essential for our spiritual growth and maturity.

The purpose of pruning is not destruction but enhancement.  God prunes us not to harm us but to make us more fruitful.  He removes anything that hinders our growth and redirects our energies toward bearing abundant fruit.  This fruit may take various forms – such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

As followers of Christ, we are called to embrace the pruning process with faith and trust.  We must surrender ourselves fully to the hands of the Divine Gardener, knowing that He works all things for our good.  Instead of resisting or resenting the challenges we face, let us see them as opportunities for spiritual refinement and growth.

Just as a gardener tends to his garden, God tends to us, His beloved children, with wisdom and compassion.

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