The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of December 19

Dec 16, 2022

It’s likely during a church service or bible lesion you may have heard the pastor say that when we give, we will see that gesture given back to us tenfold or in some great amount. Getting something in return for giving is always alluring.

But is that why we should give in the first place?

In Luke 6:38, Jesus says that what we give will be given back, but with multiplied blessings. This doesn’t necessarily mean that we will be rewarded with money or goods or services. What it does mean is that, when we give to others—no matter what it may be—we gain something from giving.

A good feeling. A kind gesture from the recipient or recipients. The knowledge that we helped improve someone else’s life in some way.

Sure, sometimes you might receive a windfall after making a gift, but that’s not guaranteed. However, depending on your actions and choices, that windfall may have come regardless of your gift – and that windfall can arrive in many different ways and methods.

The real windfall is knowing that you helped improve someone’s life by giving. And there are lots of ways to give. Giving of your money. Giving of your time. Giving of your talent.

Maybe your gift helped someone who made some bad choices in their life get back on their feet. Get off drugs. Finish their education. Get a job. Find somewhere stable and dependable to live. Put food on the table and warm clothes on the backs of their loved ones. Rediscover their relationship with God.

Maybe it even motivated them pay it forward and help someone else.

It’s a promise from God that He doesn’t need a large amount but will honor our generosity and obedience. Then, He can perform a miracle to multiply and pour out blessings that overflow to our lives and others.

Lord, I ask that you help me see the true reward in giving, especially during this time of giving. Help me to realize that the true gift I receive from giving is that I helped someone else in some way as You would want me to. Amen.

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