The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of December 5

Dec 1, 2022

It’s understandable that we can feel guilty when we don’t contribute to someone or something. Whether it’s someone at an intersection or a letter received in the mail asking for a donaton—when we ignore, guilt can set its roots into our subconscious and eat at our soul.

2 Corinthians 9:7 tells us that we shouldn’t feel compelled to give—nor should we feel guilty if we don’t. If this is true, why do we feel guilty? Why does seeing that person in need pull at our heartstrings and make us feel guilty for not helping, even if it’s fleeting?

It might be because we were taught to always give and help others when we can. God makes it clear that the amount given isn’t the important thing. It’s the heart and attitude of the giver that matters.

But what does that mean? Is it ok to keep everything for ourselves and never share what we have? Is it OK to look past that person on the street asking for help because we believe they may be misleading us? Can we in good faith and conscience throw that letter away asking to help people in need?

Ultimately, giving is an opportunity for us to do something that makes us feel good. Mailing in that check or donating food or even doing a Facebook fundraiser can make us feel like we’re making a difference.

Remember this during this Christmas season. As we buy our gifts for those important to us, let’s remember the heart with which we give to those we may not know is equally important and impactful.

Lord, thank you for the many blessings you have given to me and those I love. Please help me find and maintain a giving heart this Christmas season and year-round. Amen.

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