Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
The application period for the 2024 season has closed. However you can still purchase or donate gifts for those in need by clicking on Shop Online or Angel Tree locations below. You can also still volunteer by clicking on the Volunteer button!
Businesses, churches, schools and organizations may sign up to host an Angel Tree site, collecting toys and gifts for children in their local community. (Toy collection runs through mid-December.)
If your business is not open to the public (or facing other restrictions), you can still support Angel Tree by promoting our online shopping, making a financial donation or hosting a private tree for your employees. Either way, click the link below for details!
Participating locations display a holiday tree decorated with Angel Tree tags that represent children or teenagers who might not otherwise receive gifts this holiday season. Take a tag and return an unwrapped gift to the Angel Tree. For those who prefer it, this year we are continuing our online shopping opportunities.
Volunteers are need to help sort the toys and facilitate the distribution at our Toy Shop. Please consider helping us help our neighbors in need by volunteering.
It's a great opportunity to make a big difference!
Every year, thousands of young children experience the joy of opening gifts on Christmas morning, thanks to the Angel Tree campaign.
However, often their teenage siblings feel left behind. Our goal is to provide exciting gifts for all of our “Angel Teens” this year, an estimated 5,000 teens.
We are asking you to help. Please consider donating a gift for one of our teenagers this year.
It is tough to know what to buy for a teenager, so we are encouraging $25 gift cards (please indicate money amount on the card) from major retail stores.
Make a financial donation instead! Donations will be distributed to the location nearest you.