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LaPorte Backpack Meal Program Image

LaPorte Backpack Meal Program

Providing nutritious weekend meals to children in the LaPorte school system

Laporte Backpack Meal Program

This program provides students in the LaPorte School district with 6 small meals to eat over the weekend while they cannot get school lunches. The food provided is nutritious and hearty such as microwaved Mac and Cheese, high protein granola bars, fresh fruit, and much more.

The program serves pre-school through 8th grade students weekly during the school year. Bags of food are placed into backpacks each Thursday or Friday afternoon by their school counselors after being delivered to the school by volunteers. Each student participant and guardian is presented with an opportunity to join by the counselor at the beginning of the school year based on the needs presented by the family.

This Program has grown in the number of children it can serve by over 200 in the last few years. This ministry now serves over 775 students within 13 schools in the Laporte Community School System. 

Meeting this growing need is only possible with the help of our incredible volunteers and generous donations.

Our volunteers from local Catholic churches, local businesses like Sterno company and members of our congregation give their time generously to serve these children. Each week these volunteers pack and deliver the backpacks, and set up and clean up weekly at our local Salvation Army building. It takes a community to fulfill such a great need for the students of the Laporte Community schools.

Help us continue this mission by donating monetarily or with your time by contacting us to volunteer.

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Program is a crucial resource
for LaPorte students" Image" />

"The Salvation Army Backpack
Program is a crucial resource
for LaPorte students"

"This program guarantees that our students have
access to nutritious food over the weekend,
supporting their well-being and readiness to learn."

Other Ways We Meet Needs