
We are thankful for having the privilege of ministering to area children over the past year either through our Youth and Camp programs. We hope that the children and their families have been strengthened and blessed through their experiences.
Theme: "Pets Unleashed"
Pets Unleashed Vacation Bible School where Jesus Cares "Fur" You! Join us for VBS where kids will go crazy for critters with whiskers, tails, feathers, or scales! During this all-day VBS kids experience Bible Stories in powerful, life-changing ways. At Pets Unleashed VBS, children don’t just hear about God’s love; they see it, touch it, sing it, and put it into action.
Friday, September 29th - 5-8
VBS Kick Off Event - Family Dinner and Movie
Enjoy an evening fun, friendship and fellowship for the whole family and the Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey movie!
Saturday, September 30th - Join us for Vacation Bible School
DATE: Saturday, September 30th, 2023
TIME: 9 AM – 3 PM
AGES: 5-12 yrs.
LOCATION: The Salvation Army Community Center, 1239 Barlow St. Traverse City, MI
Cost: Free Registration - call 231-946-4644 to pre-register
Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 2-5 PM
VBS After Event @Mulberry Family Farm
This will be for the whole family! Please join us for the food & fun!
Registration: Pre-registration via phone is appreciated by calling 231-946-4644. Click here to download an application. Applications are available at The Salvation Army Community Center as well as available the day of VBS.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Susie Afton at 231.946.4644 ext. 307.