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Pathway of Hope 

is a program to assist families with minor children that links and coordinates services within The Salvation Army with community agencies.  
Families in the Pathway of Hope receive support from a caring team that helps them set and achieve their own goals.

HOPE. One word that touches all lives. Without it, the smallest of challenges become insurmountable. With it, a family can transform its future for the better. Hope changes everything. 

Hope appears when a single mother receives the help she needs to obtain childcare, giving her the time to pursue her GED. Hope drapes over the shoulders of a job seeker when she finds the assistance to secure a suit for an upcoming job interview. Hope arrives in the form of an affordable apartment, when a family receives support to move out of their car and into a stable place to call home.

Pathway of Hope allows us to work hand-in-hand with motivated families to propel them away from chronic, intergenerational poverty and toward a path to self-sufficiency. 

The Salvation Army Traverse City is committed to taking this new approach to ending inter-generational poverty when people come through our doors seeking emergency assistance for their crisis situations. Meeting the needs of the poor has been the mission of The Salvation Army Traverse City since 1894; but now, Pathway of Hope (POH) is shifting our strategy from "meeting needs" to "solving" the root causes of intergenerational poverty. The Pathway of Hope case management resource implements a new approach designed to break the cycles of crisis and vulnerability of poor families with children and put them on a trajectory toward social and economic sufficiency.

POH is anchored in a strengths-based, long term, more intensive case management approach that engages and empowers families to take action, set goals, and overcome their barriers to self-sufficiency. 

Who Can Join?
You are eligible if: 

  • You have at least one child under the age of 18
  • You're ready to take action!

What will it involve?
Caring today for your family's needs, while building a strong future, can be challenging. The Salvation Army team will walk alongside you on your family's journey:

  • Mapping it out: Meet with a caseworker to develop your personalized action plan
  • Staying on track: Chart your progress and see your success with your dedicated caseworker on a regular basis.
  • Passing the six-month mile marker: See where you are at six months and decide what's next on your journey.
  • Looking ahead: Celebrate your success. Adjust any further goals. Encourage others.

Resources and Connections
Through your involvement with Pathway of Hope, you will be introduced to both The Salvation Army and other services that are available within your community which offer:

  • A network of support
  • A sense of community
  • Holistic programs
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Service Connector to:
  • Job training
  • Health services
  • Childcare and education
  • Housing options
  • Legal services
  • And much more ...

Call our social service team for more information at (231) 946-4644 

If you participate in Pathway of Hope, you will have support for YOUR goals.
For more information, contact the Traverse City Salvation Army
at (231) 946-4644 or

The Pathway of Hope Program Helps Keep Hope Marching On

The WMNI Division has been changing lives withe the Pathway of Hope program since 2012. 

“Walking through this front door is a huge step and just congratulating people for getting here and wanting to try is the first step,” Ramones said. ...


Clients Tell Their Pathway of Hope Stories

Two participants in The Salvation Army’s Pathway of Hope tell how the program helped them keep marching on toward their goals.

Coming across Pathway of Hope brought tremendous change. Some of which will last a lifetime in my heart. ...


Just Like Family

A Traverse City participant in the Pathway of Hope program tells how much her family has drastically improved in the program.

You reached out your hand to us when we needed help so desperately, and we are eternally grateful and forever changed for the better!

