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Knowledge is a ticket out of poverty Image

Knowledge is a ticket out of poverty

How we help empower youth

Youth Programs: Every Tuesday at 4:30pm. Our Character Building youth programs challenge and nurture boys and girls by teaching them to express their value and ambitions toward spiritual, mental, physical and social well-being, and helps them understand their potential as individuals. 

Sunbeams are for girls, 1st - 5th grades. The Sunbeam program focuses on helping girls learn about themselves and their world. They do this through programs centered around education, fellowship and worship.
Sunbeam pledge: I promise that I will try to love God, to be obedient, to be loving and kind to all and to be true to the Sunbeam Motto: "Do right!

Explorers are for boys 1st - 5th grade. The Explorer program focuses on working with others, providing service within the community, learning about other cultures, meeting new people, and
building friendships. 
Explorers Pledge: I promise to explore God's Word and God's world to find ways to serve Him and help others; to develop and guard good habits so that I will grow as God desires; and to adventure into the world with the "good news" of Jesus Christ.
Explorer Motto: "Adventure With Christ"

Girls Guards are for middle and high school girls. The Girl Guards program is focused on addressing their spiritual, physical, mental and social needs. Skill-development, personal growth and community service opportunities expand as girls learn to work together and independently in various environments. They are also encouraged to think seriously about career and life-style choices as they move into adulthood, based on what they've learned as a Girl Guard.
Girl Guard Aim: I understand that as a Girl Guard I will grow spiritually by increasing my knowledge of God through Bible study and prayer. I will grow mentally by being honest in my thoughts and actions and by developing the mind and talent God has given me. I will grow physically by protecting myself from all harmful substances and habits by developing a healthy body. I will grow socially by being respectful, friendly, of service to others and loyal to my country.

Rangers are for boy's 6th - 12th grade. The Ranger program focuses on working with others, providing service within the community, learning about other cultures, meeting new people, and building friendships.


Other Ways We Meet Needs
