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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Here for good

We Are an Organization Dedicated to Doing the Most Good in your community.

Who We Are

We are dedicated to helping people in Barron County who are facing times of crisis. We do this in the form of shelter at The Family House, shared with Polk County.  We also help with emergency needs like rent, electric, or heat assistance. We also help to make sure that kids in our communities have happy, full bellies while they are away from school.  

Our Local Leadership

Duana Bremer, Director in Barron, St. Croix, Polk and Burnett County

Duana has been serving our local communities in this capacity for nearly 20 years.  Her leadership, knowledge and more importantly her dedication to the less fortunate in our communities is what guides our decisions, programming and care for our community.  Duana has been a part of establishing many new programs, working with government grants to ensure as many as possible housing options are available and helping to establish important partnerships in our community to best care for our most vulnerable.  She has even been invited to testify before Congress to speak about the needs in rural Wisconsin regarding homelessness and how changes in the way funding is dispersed can help make a difference for those in the most need in our communities. 


Advisory Board

David Librande

Rudy Walz

Donna Kringle

Deanna Briesemeister

Joe Clymer

Allana Clymer

Al Foxwell


Get in Touch

The Salvation Army - Family House Shelter
1150 12th Street - County Hwy. TT
Barron, WI 54812


Polk County Facebook 

Barron County Facebook

The Salvation Army believes in faith put into action and making life better for others. Our services meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs to rebuild lives and create lasting change. Help is given freely and without discrimination, while preserving the individual's dignity. We're here to change lives, one at a time.

If you are in need of assistance, you can reach out to our staff in our online form

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