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There Is Hunger Here Image

There Is Hunger Here

We don't always see it, but people in our
own community struggle with hunger.

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We Help Those Who Are Food Insecure

More than 12 percent of people in Gage County are food insecure, meaning they may not know where they will get their next meal.

Many in Beatrice and the surrounding area struggle to put enough food on the table for their families each week.


We Nourish Bodies and Spirits

We welcome anyone in need who walks through our doors, offering both food to sustain bodies and compassion to sustain spirits. We partner with local agencies to provide the most nutritious food possible with the goal of alleviating hunger and food insecurity in Beatrice and the surrounding area.


How We Help Cure Hunger

Food Pantry  |  Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-Noon and 1-4 p.m. (with the exception of the last Tuesday of each month when the Community Food Pantry at St. John's Lutheran takes place)
We offer a box of nutritional staples including canned goods, packaged foods, bread and frozen meat to those struggling to find the means to provide adequate food for themselves and their families. Individuals are eligible to receive a food box three times a year with a 30-day waiting period in between distributions. 

Walmart Bread and Produce  |  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1-4 p.m.
We pick up commodities from Walmart each week and make them available to anyone in need at our community center, 120 S. 7th St. 

Mobile Food Pantry  |  Second or third Monday of each month from 1-3:30 p.m.
Each month we partner with the Food Bank of Lincoln, the Community Food Pantry and Blue Valley Community Action to provide food to individuals and families in need in Beatrice. Individuals are welcome to receive food from this mobile pantry every month if needed. Often local healthcare providers collaborate to offer services such as diabetes screenings, chiropractic adjustments and assistance in navigating Medicaid and Medicare paperwork. 

Produce Giveaway from the Food Bank of Lincoln  |  First Thursday of each month
Fresh fruits and vegetables are often beyond the budget limitations of most people in need. The Food Bank of Lincoln helps to close this nutritional gap by delivering between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds of fresh produce to Beatrice each month.

Holiday Food Assistance
There's nothing more comforting than a delicious meal shared with family and friends. We invite anyone in need to come to our table on Thanksgiving Day to share food and fellowship with us. We also deliver Thanksgiving meals to those who can't make it to our community center in person. 

At Christmastime we provide food baskets to individuals and families, ensuring that those in need don't go hungry for the holiday.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Other Ways We Meet Needs
