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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
Sara came to Safe Harbor shelter after relocating to the area to complete substance abuse treatment. Sara was enrolled in The Salvation Army Employment Service Program shortly after checking in. She has a very expansive work history and was very ready to find work. She attended Job Leads and utilized job coaching with Employment Specialists. She was quickly able to find a possible position with a trucking company.
Food Pantry
611 W. Washington St. - Family Services Building
*Entrance is on north side of building.
Mondays and Wednesdays 9 am-2:30pm – Available once a month. Requirements: every visit, must have a government-issued photo i.d. and a current (last 30-60 days) piece of mail (utility bill, lease etc) showing residency in McLean County.
Food Pantry FAQ
Who can come to the food pantry? Anyone living in McLean County
How often can I come to the food pantry? Once a month per household
When is the food pantry open? Mondays and Wednesdays 9am–3pm (excluding holidays)
Can I pick up food for someone else? Yes, this is called a proxy. We will give you a proxy form for the client to fill out saying it’s okay for you to be their proxy.
Pathway of Hope
The Salvation Army's Pathway of Hope initiative provides individualized services to families with children who desire to take action to break the cycle of crisis and vulnerability that repeats generation after generation. It seeks to address the root causes of poverty in addition to The Army's history of compassionate serving. By helping families overcome challenges like unemployment, unstable housing, and lack of education, we can lead families down a path toward increased stability and, ultimately, self-sufficiency.
Click Here to See How It Works
Comprehensive Emergency Assistance
The Comprehensive Emergency Assistance Program helps individuals and families in need of one-time financial support. In order to be considered for funding from The Salvation Army’s emergency financial assistance program you must:
Steps to apply: Submit the ‘Request for Comprehensive Emergency Assistance’ application, completed cover page, and supplemental documentation. Please return all of the required documentation together as one submission. Items that will be required include:
All application materials must be received in order to determine eligibility for assistance. Your application may not be processed if items are missing. Submission is available via the following options:
1) Email:
2) Drop Off: Front Desk of Safe Harbor Shelter (208 N Oak St, Bloomington, IL 61701)
3) Mail: 611 W. Washington St. Bloomington, IL 61701 Attn: Rental Assistance
Because of the high volume of requests, a response to your submitted application may take up to 7 business days. Please understand that funding is limited and not all who request assistance will receive assistance.
For questions surrounding the process of this program, please email or call 309-829-9476 ext. 279.
To learn about out assistance options available in the community, please contact PATH at 211.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program is designed to assist low-income veterans and their families in obtaining and maintaining permanent stable housing. The Supportive Services for Veteran Families team strives to assist Veterans and their families through strengths-based goal planning to address current gaps in the Veteran’s ability to secure or maintain stable and sustainable permanent housing.