Of Course I Read Your Letter

Jul 24, 2024 | by Vinal Lee


During Angel Tree distribution, we missed distributing a bike, we contacted mom and explained the situation. She said that she can come pick up the bike, but her son will be with her, and she didn't want to ruin the magic of Santa for him.

"He asked Santa for a bike this year, so he is going to be so excited."

We helped her create a story: "Santa had a special gift for them that was too big to fit in his sleigh, so he needed to give it to him early."

As the bike is rolled out to the car, we notice the kid in the backseat crying, which we all thought was for joy. We get to the car and the kid said, "Santa didn't read my letter! I said I need a bike with training wheels, I don't know how to ride that kind of bike."

Well, I can't have a kid believing Santa didn't read his letter! So, we went out and bought him training wheels. Now on Christmas morning he will find training wheels and a note that reads, "Of course I read your letter. - Santa Claus."

Maybe, we will help keep the spark of awe and wonder alive in him one more year. Maybe, mom will know that there was an Army that cared for them enough to #lovebeyond this Christmas.


We had the chance to follow up with mom after Christmas and she shared: “He was so excited when he woke up Christmas morning to see his new bike under the tree now adorned with a set of training wheels. A smile from ear to ear lit up his face as he read the letter from Santa.” She continued, “There is just something about being heard - you all went above and beyond to let my little man know Santa heard him and read his letter.”

She expressed how “it took an army of angel to band together to save Christmas for my son.” In a season where I was unable, you all made sure we had a Christmas none of us will soon ever forget. Thank you.”

A moment in time perfectly orchestrated by a God who loves through “an army of angels to banded together.” An Army of donors, staff, and volunteers who cared enough about the needs of their community to be a small part of this kids Christmas miracle.

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