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Provide Housing Image

Provide Housing

With 7 housing programs and 2 emergency shelters,
we help where it's needed most.

Alongside the Single Women's Shelter and the Emergency Family Shelter, The Salvation Army of Dane County hosts six housing programs and a Diversion Program- an effort to keep families and individuals from entering the shelter system at all.

Family Shelter

Direct: 608-250-2298

The Salvation Army offers a family shelter for up to 35 families experiencing homelessness. Family shelter operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no time limit on length of stay. Guests are provided 3 meals a day and have access to shower and laundry facilities. Essential items are provided to each family such as hygiene supplies, transportation, diapers, wipes, and formula for children. Families also have the opportunity to meet with case managers to help overcome the barriers to housing.  The family shelter is typically full and has a waitlist.

Women's Shelter

Direct: 608-250-2226

The Salvation Army offers our community’s only emergency shelter for individuals identifying as women, or non-male. The Salvation Army considers women’s shelter a temporary, emergency solution to homelessness. Women’s shelter operates as a nighttime only shelter, 7 days a week, with no time limit on length of stay.  Shelter check in hours are from 5:00pm-8:30pm nightly and the shelter is open from 5pm-7:30am. Guests are provided 2 meals a day and a snack, and have access to shower and laundry facilities. Guests can also meet with case management staff to help overcome the barriers to housing.

Coordinated Entry

In partnership with the Institute for Community Alliances, The Salvation Army offers Coordinated Entry services to all families and women that utilize The Salvation Army’s shelters. Coordinated Entry is a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access to housing services and assistance.  Through Coordinated Entry, households in need of assistance are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and assistance based on their strengths and needs.

For more information on Coordinated Entry in our community:


Direct: 608-250-2200

The Salvation Army provides shelter diversion services, aimed to quickly house families and women who are experiencing homelessness to avoid the need to enter Emergency Shelter. The Diversion Specialist works individually with families and women to identify solutions and alternative housing arrangements that quickly resolve the housing crisis through a combination of direct service and financial assistance.

This program does not include housing provided by The Salvation Army. Rather, our specialist will work with available options and resources to keep clients out of shelter.

Rehousing Into Supportive Environments (RISE)

Direct: 608-250-2200

The Salvation Army partners with The Road Home and offers subsidized housing and intensive in-home case management services for families transitioning from homelessness to housing. Families must have at least one child under age 18.

This program does not include housing provided by The Salvation Army. Rather, our case management team will work with your landlord/leasing agency to keep you in your own home or find a more suitable place to live.

Dane County Assists With New Starts (DAWNS)

Direct: 608-250-2200

Participants in the DAWNS program will be offered a rapid rehousing package. This consists of weekly case management sessions, security deposit, and first month's rental assistance. Additional rental assistance may be granted, but is approved on an individual basis. The program is barrier-free and participants can move in with little or no income.

DAWNS Families: The Salvation Army offers move in costs and intensive in-home case management for families transitioning from homelessness to housing. Families must have at least one child under age 18.

DAWNS Singles: The Salvation Army also offers move in costs and intensive in home case management for women that are transitioning from homelessness to housing.

This program does not include housing provided by The Salvation Army. Rather, our case management team will work with your landlord/leasing agency to keep you in your own home or find a more suitable place to live.

Rapid Rehousing Program

Direct: 608-250-2200

In partnership with the YWCA, United Way and The Road Home, The Salvation Army offers subsidized housing and case management for families transitioning from homelessness to housing. Families must have at least one child under age 18.

This program does not include housing provided by The Salvation Army. Rather, our case management team will work to keep you in your own home or find a more suitable place to live.

Hotels to Housing

The program strives to permanently house vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness who have been staying in most Dane County-funded hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pathway of Hope

General: 608-256-2321

*Referrals to this program are made by case managers. Please contact the main line for assistance.*

This program is a strength-based, holistic approach that supports and enables struggling families to take action. Through job training, health services, childcare, education, housing options, and legal services, we build a network of support around those who need it most. Families must have at least one child under the age of 18.

Medical Shelter

The Salvation Army of Dane County Medical Shelter is reserved for homeless individuals and/or families who have an acute medical condition (i.e. contagious, surgery recuperation, infection, etc.) which compromises their ability to safely and healthfully reside in a traditional nighttime-only shelter setting. Medical Shelter is not intended for people with chronic conditions. Individuals/families must be referred to Medical Shelter by their healthcare provider.


In collaboration with University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine, The Salvation Army offers no cost medical care and referrals every Tuesday evening. Care is provided only to clients/residents of The Salvation Army.

Telehealth Medical Services

Partnership with Nurse Disrupted to provide no cost 24/7 connection to a nurse via telehealth services for shelter guests located at both Family Shelter and Women’s Shelter.

Service Extension

The Salvation Army of Dane County partners with designated liaisons in outlying Dane County communities to bring emergency assistance to our neighbors in need. Types of assistance are varied and limited to available funds. Service Extension does not encompass City of Madison residents as alternate local resources are more accessible, varied, and abundant.

After School Program 2
