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We aspire to be a lamp to the feet and a light to the path of all those who are in need of help and hope.
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Our message is based on the Bible, our ministry is motivated by the love of God, and our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as we meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Every program we offer is rooted in our passion to serve God by serving the lost, the vulnerable, the poor, the hurting, and the hopeless.
Whether church is already part of your life or you are experiencing faith for the first time, you are always welcome at one of our 9:30 am Sunday services. Coffee and Fellowship begins at 9 am, leading to worship meeting at 10:45am. Questions? Contact Majors Vong and Ting Luangkhemdeng 608-250-2203.
The Worship and Service Center offers fellowship on Wednesday mornings at 11:30 am with opportunities for adults, older adults, teens, and kids. Bible study will occur at 4:00 pm on Saturdays at our Darbo Drive location. Drop in to any of the meetings. We would love to get to know you!
Our officers are ordained pastors who are trained to offer spiritual counseling and a listening ear. They will provide guidance based on Scripture and will pray with you as you walk through a difficult season. Whether you are facing the loss of a loved one, are working through legal or financial difficulties, are struggling with illness or simply need to share your burdens, you will always find someone ready and willing to listen.
Weekly sessions of Sunday School invite you and your children to stay connected with the local corps and engaged in learning about their faith. We meet every Sunday at 9:30 am and If you have any questions, please contact Major Vong at