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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Here for good

We Are an Organization Dedicated to Doing the Most Good in our community.

Who we Are

The Bread of Life Assistance Center offers assistance to individuals and families located in Dickinson County and those residing along the Niagara, Wisconsin border. A food pantry is maintained and available by appointment only. As funds permit, assistance with utilities, prescriptions, transportation, may be available. Other requests may be also met upon evaluation by a caseworker. 

Our Local Leadership

Tara Blagec, Director

Tara was born and raised in the community she feels she is called to serve. Tara began her work at The Salvation Army first being the Kettle Coordinator for its annual Red Kettle Campaign. Following the end of the Red Kettle Campaign, Tara also interned with The Salvation Army, while in college. Following graduation, she was hired as a part-time caseworker which evolved into a full-time position. Since her employment, she has acted as the Housing Resource Agent while allocating the Emergency Solutions Grant, been responsible for the administering the State of Michigan's Emergency Shelter Funding dollars while working closely with the areas homeless population.

Get in Touch

The Salvation Army Dickinson County
145 Roseland Street
Kingsford, MI 49802
(906) 779-5717