The Weekly Devotion for the Week of August 26

Aug 23, 2024

Faith is foundational to our relationship with God. 

It is through faith that we believe in the promises of God, accept His grace, and receive salvation through Jesus Christ.  James challenges us to move beyond a superficial understanding of faith. 

The connection between faith and works is a key theme in the book of James.  He is not suggesting that we are saved by our works; rather, he emphasizes that genuine faith naturally produces good works.

When we serve others, when we show compassion, when we stand for justice, when we live in a way that reflects the character of Christ, we are demonstrating that our faith is alive and active. 

James warns us about the danger of having a dead faith – a faith that is all talk and no action.  He uses strong language to drive home the point:  “Faith without works is dead.”  A dead faith is one that doesn’t change us and doesn’t make a difference in the world. 

This is a sobering reminder for all of us.  It’s easy to profess faith with our lips while our lives remain unchanged.  It’s easy to say we believe in God, but if that belief doesn’t lead us to love, serve, and act, it’s a sign that our faith may be dead. 

As believers, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world.  This means caring for the needy, comforting the brokenhearted, standing up for the oppressed, and sharing the love of Christ with everyone we encounter. 

When we align our lives with His will, our actions naturally flow from our faith. 

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