Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Partners in Doing<br> the Most Good Image

Partners in Doing
the Most Good

The Salvation Army has changed lives
and given hope to countless people in
Evansville, but there are still so many that need help



weekly Opportunities

Please note, that if any opportunities are full, or unavailable, feel free to give us a call at 812-202-5133. Thank you!       




Sally's Kitchen

Monday-Friday 10:45-1:15 pm

Hot lunches are served to the public Monday through Friday. We are always needing people to help us serve our guests each day as well as help in various other ways during our meal time. Together, we are fighting the ever-increasing food insecurities in our community and we are humbled to have you partner with us!

Register Here





Food Pantry

Where: 1040 N Fulton Ave, Evansville, IN, (Double walk doors closest to Dollar General)
When: Thursdays, from 1:00-3:30 PM (Choice shop)
What's the need: We're looking for a group of 4-5 people to either rotate on Thursdays or serve every Thursday, starting on March 7th

We are a TEFAP participating food pantry and an equal opportunity provider. We offer groceries to whoever is in need while meeting the requirements of federal guidelines for the TEFAP program... Groceries include dry goods, canned, goods, frozen meat, refrigerator product and other household staples. Clients are allowed to come once a month to "shop" for their families. Clients can also come on behalf of others, and those who might not be able to come to the available times. Those who are not able to get out or find transportation can ask someone to come on their behalf and fill out the proper paperwork to be an approved "proxy".  Please contact our offices with any questions about being a proxy.

Sign Up Here to Volunteer!



Janitorial: Afternoons M-F

Where: 1040 N Fulton Ave, Evansville, IN, (Double walk doors closest to Dollar General)
When: Weekly, from 1:00-4:00 PM

These are a few of the things you will help us accomplish to allow our guests to have a clean place.
-Clean bathrooms
-Pick up any and all paper and trash on the floor.
-Clean, (wipe down) doors, and mirrors with towels and cleaners, and any other necessary cleaning substance
-Make sure that waste bins are emptied to avoid trash littering around.
-Restock or resupply restroom paper towels and toilet paper

Meet with Jessie Rodriguez (maintenance supervisor) in the building to make request for items needed for work.
Take careful and safety measures in the use of chemicals which can be harmful to the body.

Register Here


Seasonal Opportunities


            Register to Ring

Wal-mart and Schnuck's locations are already available to reserve for 2024!

It's no secret to any of us that people can struggle in lots of different ways. The Salvation Army is dedicated to meeting SO many needs of those struggling in the community. I am sure that you all are familiar with The Salvation Army’s red kettles and bell ringers during the Holiday season. For most of us, it just enhances that “feels like Christmas feeling” when we are out and about shopping over the Holiday’s. The bell ringing does more than just signal it’s “the most wonderful time of the year”. The donations raised from the red kettle campaign provide daily meals, utility resources, youth programs and Christmas toys and food boxes for families in need. The ringing of the bell represents hope. Would you consider “ringing hope” into your community this Holiday season?

Sign Up to Ring!





Christmas Sign Ups - October

During the month of October we will have several dates where we need volunteers to help families sign up for appointments for our Toy Town event in December. If you are comfortable with computers and willing to guide people through the process please feel free to check your schedule and claim you spot below.

Register Here






Coat a kid: November 2nd

  • As the temperatures start to cool, we take for granted having a good quality coat to keep us warm. Kids are constantly growing as well so having a coat that fits properly is very important to ensuring they stay warm during the winter months. We hope to help with t his need by allowing area families to opportunity to shop for coats for their whole family with an emphasis on kids. You will be helping us accomplish that goal by keeping our coats stocked, organized, and find the right new owner.
  • Giveaway Day – families will come with their children to receive a donated coat!
    • Saturday - November 2nd – 10a-2p – day of the event – 6 volunteers needed
    • Friday - November 1st – 12-3p – event preparations – 6 volunteers needed

sign Up




Thanksgiving Community Meal: Nov 27th 11 am - 2 pm

We offer a Thanksgiving meal to whomever, although the great draw is from our immediate area. Many fixed-income or no-income families attend, and we try to make it as homey and welcoming as possible. This meal is generally held during the week of Thanksgiving and anyone wanting to join us our welcome. The meal will be held on Nov, 22nd at 1040 N Fulton Ave, from 11-1 pm.  If you would like to volunteer, either to help us prep for the event or to serve during the event.

Sign Up Here








There are many more opportunities that you can sign up for by reaching out at the contact information below:

Ready to Volunteer?

Contact Rachel Edgington at 812-202-5133 or Email 

Apply (individual) Apply (Groups)