The Salvation Army Brings Awareness and Support for Victims of Human Trafficking

Jan 18, 2023

This month The Salvation Army is supporting National Human Trafficking Prevention month.

Our hope is that we can raise awareness and help victims of human trafficking. Although it may not always be visible on the outside, our neighbors may be suffering from this terrible crime.

According to the UNODC, Globally, every year 27 million people are trafficked. This may take the form of sexual exploitation, labor trafficking, soldier trafficking, and organ trafficking. Though not all forms are as prevalent in the United States, awareness is important for any kind of change.

“The reality is that people who are exploited and trafficked regularly engage with others in the greater community, including our corps,” said Elyse Dobney, territorial social justice and city mission director and anti-trafficking contact person.

So how is The Salvation Army helping?

  • Training and awareness: our staff are trained to better serve people trapped in modern slavery and to raise the awareness of the American public. Over the last two years more than 800 employees in the Central Territory have received vital training in anti-human trafficking through the Case worker Certification Program.
  • Community outreach: reaching out to vulnerable populations to help prevent trafficking and violence in those communities.
  • Services and support: We provide survivors of human trafficking with critical support and services to rebuild their lives. In the Great Lakes Division this includes the MATTS shelter, located in Warren, which hosts individuals, families and single parents for up to 90 days while helping them plan their next move. Corps Community Centers also help vulnerable individuals through the Pathway of Hope program, a program designed to help struggling families get back on their feet. The program’s purpose is to break the cycle of crisis and vulnerability that leads to poverty. 
  • Strategic Partnerships: The Salvation Army partners with governments and communities, and other service organizations to make a lasting impact for those trapped in these terrible experiences.

Ken Hodder, National leader for the Salvation army stated on the topic:

“Every life is valuable and should be treated with dignity and respect. And that’s at the heart of the Salvation Army’s mission. And we are doing everything we can to bring light where there would otherwise be darkness.”

If you would like to help The Salvation Army Great Lakes Division spread Love Beyond Fear, you can donate here. More information on human trafficking and The Salvation Army’s efforts in fighting it can be found here.



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