Journey of Redemption

May 23, 2024

As Heather walked through the halls of The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center this winter, she was vibrant and smiling from ear to ear. She was eager to catch up with her former program managers to update them on her journey since completing the program. It was a stark contrast to the first time she entered Harbor Light on January 20, 2023.


“I honestly don’t recall much from the first day I entered Harbor Light,” Heather explained. “I was under the influence, but I do remember everyone being so nice. I never felt alone, which was very nice.”

Heather started using drugs at a very early age. Over the years, she had overdosed several times and had even been in a coma due to her drug use. She had lived in a haze, not even caring enough to get upset when someone she knew stole her car. Before finding her way to Harbor Light, Heather had been working toward sobriety, but after a heartbreaking relapse, a friend recommended she try The Salvation Army. In order to be successful, Heather needed the structure and one-on-one attention that Harbor Light could provide.


  “I was either going to jail, prison or even die,” she shared. “I'd gotten kicked out of the place I was before. Coming here, I needed to get my life together – I wanted to get my life together.” Heather immersed herself in the program, embracing each phase of the recovery process. From detox to residential treatment to transitional housing, she stayed on track towards healing and sobriety.

“Heather shows willingness to change, open mindedness, and self-awareness. It’s truly a God given miracle to watch the light come back on in someone’s eyes. And Heather has that light,” said Kristen Gomez, a case manager at the Harbor Light Center.


“Every day is an accomplishment when you’re not using and I like to celebrate those days even if it seems like a small accomplishment to others,” Heather confided. One of these significant milestones occurred in September when she treated herself to a vacation in Florida with friends. For the first time in her adult life, Heather paid for the trip by herself, flew on a plane, and got to finally experience the ocean. She also celebrated an employment opportunity at a local restaurant that she received while in recovery at the Harbor Light Center. Heather started as a hostess, but quickly moved to a server position. She worked hard to prove herself, and within six months she was offered a position in management.


Heather still has a list of goals that she wants to achieve, including getting a car. “Having a car will allow me to visit my family more. I will have more opportunities to go to meetings and eventually be a sponsor,” she explained. Since Heather’s completion of the Harbor Light Center program in November 2023, her goal is to someday be a sponsor and mentor to help others going through addiction recovery. She voluntarily attends meetings at Harbor Light and continues working with her own sponsor and mentor to stay on track with her sobriety.

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