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Corporate Giving

The Salvation Army Indiana Division helps about 53,179 people here in Central Indiana. In order to continue helping the community and maintain our programs, The Salvation Army relies on financial support from corporations,  foundations and other organizations. There are multiple opportunities to get involved in ways that promote your values and create a positive impression in front of the community.

Corporate and Organization Partnerships Strong partnerships are  imperative for The Salvation Army’s ability to continue its mission of  meeting human needs without discrimination. Monetary,  in-kind donations and great volunteer efforts from our partners ensure program and service stability and growth. Sincerest thanks to the partners currently working with us.

Sponsorship Opportunities Every Sponsorship can look different. Sponsorships can be customized to a specific program or service, or it can be tied to an event that raises awareness about The Salvation Army’s role in the community. To learn more about sponsorships, contact Duke Haddad, Associate Director of Development, at 317-224-1029 or email him, To learn more about existing sponsorship opportunities, view our upcoming events page.

Matching Gifts Many businesses match gifts to The Salvation Army made by their employees as an incentive to give back to the community. Your business can double gifts or match gifts up to a certain dollar value each year. To learn how your group or business can match gifts, contact Delana Bradbury, Matching Gifts Coordinator, at 317-224-1012 or email her,

Contact Us To find out how your company can donate time, talent or treasure through Salvation Army programs, services and events, contact Samantha Hyde, Director of Community Relations at