Welcome to Our New Leadership Across Indiana

Jul 23, 2024

Welcome blogs: a brief word from the new officers throughout Indiana

Central Indiana

Major Malinda O'Neil

Major Malinda O’Neil comes to the Central Indiana Area Command from Green Bay, Wisconsin. She was born into The Salvation Army as her parents were Salvation Army officers. Her passion for telling others about Jesus and personal and professional development has led her to have appointments at Corps Community Centers, Divisional Headquarters Staff in the Youth Department, and most recently the Green Bay Kroc Center over her 20 years as a Salvation Army officer. Major O’Neil holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership and experience in accounting, business management, and biblical/leadership studies. She is excited to lead the Central Indiana Area Command and preach the word of God to bring transformation into the lives of those we serve in the community and organization.




Eagle Creek

Captains Aaron and Rachel Johnson

       We are moving from Lafayette, IN which was our first appointment. Rachel has grown up in The Salvation Army, coming from a line of 4 generations of Salvationists on both sides of the family. Aaron came to know The Salvation Army as an alcoholic in need of hope and recovery. He heard about The Salvation Army in a jail cell after his 3rd DUI when a fellow inmate told him about The Salvation Army ARC in Ft Wayne. After 6 months Aaron successfully graduated from the program and was hired on but always had a feeling that God had more for him. After praying and seeking wisdom Aaron was able to articulate that God was calling him to give his life to service as a Salvation Army officer. They both entered the Salvation Army College for Officer Training, in the fall of 2016 where they met.

We are gifted musically and passionate about helping people in many ways. Self-development, equal opportunity, and recovery are just a few of the ways that we have a heart for helping people.

We look forward to serving alongside the other officers in central Indiana and all the institutions, services, and opportunities that Indianapolis offers. Moving to Indianapolis is just another opportunity for us to love and provide for more people in need.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” reminds us that when we trust in the Lord, He guides us, leads us, and gives us the peace that passes all understanding.

We are looking forward to trusting in God and serving His people at our new appointment.


East Chicago

Lieutenant Naomi Jobson

 I am fresh from training college and newly married to Lt. Obed. I am so excited to serve the East Chicago area. It is important to me to help bring back the English-speaking community. Our corps used to be largely bilingual, and I would like to help reincorporate the corps to be bilingual again. I believe Lt. Obed and I can serve our community even better together, and I know the Lord will use us here.

I am originally from Michigan, and I have been a part of The Salvation Army since I was born. I felt the calling on my life to become an officer because I know God has a purpose for my life and wants me to help people in this way. Being in East Chicago means that I am still close to family and friends from training college, but I get to learn and grow and serve in this new community God wanted me to be in.

My favorite bible verse is Phil 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I hold tight to this verse because I have struggled with anxiety for most of my life. Through prayer and giving everything to the Lord, He is comforting me and reminding me of this verse again in this new phase of life.



Majors Teri and Timothy Nauta

  We are coming from a very large operation in Waukesha, Wisconsin serving as their corps officers. We are looking forward to the new operations in Elkhart and continuing the services that are being provided.

We both grew up in The Salvation Army, always calling it our church. Major Teri’s parents were officers throughout her life, and she grew up being an officer's kid. Major Timothy’s parents were also officers, but they were called to lead later in life after he had joined the Navy.

We heard God telling us to become officers about 25 years ago and have been serving the Lord in this way ever since. We may have resisted the calling for a bit, but God has blessed us immensely and we have never looked back from this wonderful life God has brought us into. Being able to share the love of God is one of our greatest joys in life.

We are “people people” and we cannot wait to continue to meet people in Elkhart and love and serve them in the ways that God has blessed us.



Captain Justin Steckbauer

  For the last five years I have been serving as the corps officer at the Owosso, Michigan Citadel. It was a challenging and rewarding assignment, and I am looking forward to what God has next in the Gary-Merrillville area.

Growing up my dad worked at The Salvation Army Wausau, WI corps as a GED teacher for many years. I used to volunteer at his program and play basketball at The Salvation Army gym. Years later when I was in my late twenties, I started working at The Salvation Army Wausau’s homeless shelter. I fell in love with the ministry of the Salvation Army and started attending church services on Sunday mornings. Soon I knew God was calling me to become an officer.

The next step was to participate in a Salvation Army internship, which I did for two years in Escanaba, Michigan in upper Michigan. I learned so much and I could tell God was at work in The Salvation Army in amazing ways. From there on I went to the training college in Chicago. God just kept opening the doors and I would walk through them.

My talents are highlighted most in adult ministry and older adult ministry. I enjoy leading Bible studies. I also enjoy teaching spiritual disciplines like prayer and meditation on the word of God. In the past, I’ve had experience with ministry to those with mental health issues and drug/alcohol addictions. I also really enjoy nursing home ministry and ministering to the elderly. My talents also include preaching, teaching, leadership, fundraising, and special events.

I cannot wait to see what God is going to do in Gary-Merrillville as well as in my own life during my time in this community.



Lieutenant Aurelia Pettit

  I am coming straight from The College for Officer Training. I am the first single woman to be commissioned into the Goshen Corps and the first Lieutenant. to begin officership in Goshen. I am looking forward to this time and I know the Lord has placed me here, however, there will be learning challenges all around. I am ready to embrace these challenges and embrace Indiana. I am looking forward to getting to know the Goshen community and loving those around this area.

From the moment I stepped into my home corps in Big Rapids, Michigan, it felt like home. I first entered The Salvation Army because I was invited to play in the band. Music is very important to me, and I hope to be able to expound on the musical talents of those within the Goshen Corps. The Salvation Army has always felt like a family and my calling and desire to become an officer grew from a longing to bring that family to those around me. I am motivated by the love God has shown me, to bring that love to others in a way that makes them feel at home when they enter The Salvation Army.

I am excited to serve and love here in Goshen where the Lord has placed me.




Captains Joseph and Kendra Hixenbaugh

We are coming from being the corps officers in Goshen, IN. We are both children of Salvation Army officers, Joseph being a second-generation officer, and Kendra being a fifth-generation officer. Learning and being a part of a new community is one of our favorite things. We are looking forward to learning what the needs are in Kokomo and how we can best meet them. This community is larger than our previous appointment and we are looking forward to seeing what that means for potential ministries going forward. A verse we value in our lives is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” We recognize that we cannot do any of this on our own and we must depend on God to direct what He wants for our lives and ministries.



Lafayette/ Logansport

Major Marlys Anderson


I am coming from being the corps officer in Sioux Falls, SD. It has been 25 years since I was last stationed in Indiana, and I am looking forward to getting to know the friendly and generous people of the Lafayette area.

I have been a part of The Salvation Army my entire life and I have been an officer for the last 34 years. As an officer, there are a few things I focus on as I serve a community. The first is faith. I use faith as the base for everything I do and every service I offer at the corps I serve. Secondly, I focus on what will bring people into the church. If a service does not bring people towards God and the church, then that is not where I believe God wants me to put my efforts. Another thing I focus on is food. I work to have big feeding programs and food pantries. Food is necessary and I will never turn people away who are in need of food. If we cannot provide the food, we will find someone who can. The last thing I focus on is fellowship. Fellowship grows communities and is necessary for people, so I work to create programs that will foster fellowship.

My favorite bible verse that I hold to, especially during this season of moving, is Proverbs 3:5-6 6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”. This verse is important to me because I need to constantly learn to trust God, especially as I come into a new situation with new people, and new programs.



Envoy Ray Daniels

In 1990 I graduated from officers training and was commissioned. I married my wife of 32 years, Kathy, and we quickly had a baby. After our first of three sons was born, I continued my involvement with the church, but left officership to pursue other careers for my family. Most recently, I was a special needs bus driver for the Mississinewa Community Schools. I am thrilled to step back into my calling as an officer. I often felt as though I had failed because I did not continue in officership; however, I have realized over the years that God still used me to serve Him. Now I have the chance to further fulfill God’s calling on my life and the heart He has given me for others who are down and out. I see people as I see Jesus, I am a servant for them. I am looking forward to building up the church, especially the young people. I hope to partner with companies in the community to help us all serve our community better. I know that God is sustaining me no matter what, even as I go through change and relearn everything as an envoy. I can find assurance in the fact that God has placed me here in Marion to serve Him and this community.


New Albany

Captains Heidi and Kory Strand


Captains Kory and Heidi Strand are coming from being corps officers at the Royal Oak Citadel in Michigan. Both Kory and Heidi have been a part of The Salvation Army as congregants since their youth and served faithfully at their local corps as adults. However, just 10 years ago, God called them to make a shift from being congregants to pastors. He called them to be Salvation Army officers. “Throughout our lives, we have always been active members of our church, but God wanted more from us. It was a huge step of faith to leave our home, and our professions, and move with our children into full-time ministry. Each step of the way, God has been so incredibly faithful and good to our family.”

Captains Strand have served in two very different appointments during their time as officers. “We have learned so much from both of our appointments. We had the opportunity to work very closely with the social services department and focus on our ministries and writing grants in our first station as officers. In our second position, we were able to focus more on the pastoral roles of an officer and grew in our knowledge and ability to teach the Bible. We are excited to use all these skills as well as our musical talents to serve the New Albany community.”

Both Captains Kory and Heidi are thrilled to be serving now in New Albany. “Although God has taught us much over the last few years, we are excited for all the things He and this new community will teach us. We love to learn, and we love to share the love of God. We hold tightly to the fact that God places people together at very specific times – for our good and His glory! We know that we are here now, with the people of New Albany (and surrounding communities) for a very special purpose. We are expectant of great things!”



Captains Joey and Pamela Gates

We are moving from being the Corps Officers/ Pastors of the Kokomo, IN Corps. Joey attended The Salvation Army through most of his life and used assistance from The Salvation Army growing up. Pamela began attending The Salvation Army when she was invited by one of her mom’s friends as a teen. She has been part of The Salvation Army ever since.

Some strengths we are bringing with us to Vincennes are our musical abilities, administrative gifts, and a passion for planning programs that will best care for the Vincennes community.

Not only are we excited to develop programs and serve this area, but we are excited to get to know new people and a new area of Indiana.

As a family, we value Proverbs 16:9 “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” when we were first called to officership we resisted because we wanted to stay where we were and minister as local leadership. We finally heard clearly that God was calling us to be officers and have been serving Him in this way ever since. Vincennes is another way for us to fulfill the calling God placed on our lives.


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