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A Christmas Message from Major Greg Thompson, Western Divisional Commander
December 17, 2021
May our Savior transform your life so that you may transform someone else's life.
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The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of December 20
December 14, 2021
Sometimes we forget that God is not only “up there” in heaven, but also right here with us in our everyday lives and in our very hearts, minds and souls.
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The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of December 13
December 10, 2021
We can trust that even when God’s Good News demands something from us, the end result will always be to bring us closer to His love.
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The Weekly Word - A Devotion for the Week of December 6
December 3, 2021
Today, as we enter the second holy week of Advent, may we renew our hope in God.
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