Chaplain Highlight: Captains Joseph and Pamela Gates

Jun 21, 2024

Captains Joseph and Pamela Gates

The Kokomo Community is bidding farewell to Captains Joseph and Pamela Gates who have been serving the area faithfully for several years. They are heading to continue to serve the Lord in Vincennes, and wanted to share a few things about their time in Kokomo:


What did you love most about your time in Kokomo? 

Moving here in the middle of Covid left us unsure of what to expect in the community and its engagement with our worship and services. When Covid began to lift, it was great to see how welcoming Kokomo became. With the help of Howard County, we were able to start our incredible SA Gaming ministry. This ministry offers families a safe space to play all kinds of games from board games to video games. We were also able to start offering our worship services on Facebook Live so that we knew people were getting the Word of God even when they were stuck in their homes. 


What message would you like to share with your supporters in Howard County? 

Thank you for welcoming our family to Kokomo. We could not do the work we need to without the help of this community. From WeCare to Barker’s B&K, Sound of Music to Kokomo Police, and Panera Bread to Sam’s Club. There are many other places that have helped us grow and we are thankful to each one of them.  


Who will be leading The Salvation Army of Kokomo moving forward? 

We would like to welcome Captains Joseph and Kendra Hixenbaugh who will be taking our place and leading The Salvation Army in Howard County. They are great friends who will help the area in any way possible. They bring different skill sets that will be beneficial for everyone and I know that this community will welcome them with open arms as they get settled and find their way around Kokomo. 


Any closing remarks? 

Just because we are leaving does not mean that the work of The Salvation Army stops here in Kokomo. Thanks to the support of business, volunteers, and staff, we have been able to grow in our programming and will continue to do so with this community's help. We hope and pray you, Howard County, will continue to help and support the incoming officers.  


Thank you officers for your service. 

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