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Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Summit Image

Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Summit

March 13-14, 2020 -- 1466 Highway "N" Bourbon, MO

It’s time to announce this spring’s Emergency Disaster Services Summit. The Summit will take place at Camp Mihaska -- 1466 Highway "N" Bourbon, MO 65441 on March 13th and 14th. Below you will find links to fill out our Participant Registration Form and Courses Form. The Participant and Course form will need to be submitted by February 28, 2020. The FEMA Course Registration form (also listed below) must be returned along with the Participant Registration form no later than February 15th, 2020.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Martin Rueter, our Divisional Director for Emergency Disaster Services via email or phone at 314-646-3255.  We look forward to seeing you on March 13 and 14!

EDS Summit Course Catalog 

Please note time and length of courses as some may overlap. A single course may meet over multiple days in order to achieve full accreditation.  IMPORTANT NOTE to NEW VOLUNTEERS: If you are a brand new Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services volunteer and attending your first EDS Summit you are required to take two prerequisite courses, prior to attending the Summit. The courses are to better prepare you for disaster work and the more advanced courses being offered during the weekend. These two on-line, internet courses are “Introduction to Emergency Disaster Services – The Salvation Army” and “Safe from Harm”. To register for these courses in advance contact the EDS Department by sending an email Sherita Jackson at or call 314-646-3097.

Click HERE for The Salvation Army EDS Summit Course Catalog.

Participant Registration and Course Form 

EDS Summit Participant Registration form must be submitted by Friday, February 28, 2020. If you have any questions please contact Martin Rueter, our Divisional Director for Emergency Disaster Services via email or phone at 314-646-3255.

Please click HERE for The Salvation Army EDS Summit Participant Registration form.

Course Registration Form 

EDS Summit Course Registration form must be submitted by Friday, February 28, 2020 along with the Participant Registration form. If you have any questions please contact Martin Rueter, our Divisional Director for Emergency Disaster Services via email or phone at 314-646-3255.

Please click HERE for The Salvation Army EDS Summit Course Registration form.

FEMA Course Registration Form 

   FEMA Course Registration must be submitted by Saturday, February 15, 2020. If you have any questions please contact Martin Rueter, our Divisional Director for Emergency Disaster Services via email or phone at 314-646-3255.

Please click HERE for The Salvation Army EDS PRE-Summit FEMA Course Registration form.


Salvation Army Midland EDS Summit Video 2020

