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The Weekly Word Lent Series - A Devotion for the Sixth Week of Lent
March 26, 2021
We trust God to show us what needs to be pruned away in ourselves and in our lives in order to make room to grow in our relationship with Him.
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The Weekly Word Lent Series - A Devotion for the Fifth Week of Lent
March 19, 2021
Jesus reminds us that He offers something better than bread that will satisfy us for a few hours. He offers us Himself – the Bread of life.
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The Weekly Word Lent Series - A Devotion for the Fourth Week of Lent
March 12, 2021
Let us wash away the extraneous and the unnecessary in our lives so that we may see the Light of the world with fresh, clear, uninhibited eyes again.
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The Weekly Word Lent Series - A Devotion for the Third Week of Lent
March 5, 2021
Because we live in a society in which thousands of voices vie for our attention, we need to be intentional about seeking silence so that we may hear Him.
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