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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
If you live in Chicagoland, Northern or Central Illinois, use the Online Referral Desk Form to contact us for assistance with rent/mortgage, utilities, medicine, food, clothing, or transportation. Our office is open Monday - Friday from 9am - 4pm.
IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN Chicagoland, Northern Illinois or Central Illinois, please use our location finder to locate a Corps Community Center or Service Extension in your area at
For questions or complaints with The Salvation Army Family Thrift Stores, please visit or call 1-800-728-7825.
The Salvation Army knows that sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Job loss, disaster, medical issue or other crisis can really knock you off your feet – even if only for a moment. Before you know it, you’re behind on your rent or utilities or you can’t buy food or clothes for your family. But The Salvation Army is here to help. We help clients secure necessities to stay in their homes and move past the initial crisis.
Clients living in Chicagoland, Northern Illinois, or Central Illinois will be referred to a Corps Community Center or Service Extension in their area. To search on your own visit our location finder.
The Salvation Army can help with:
The Nicor "Sharing" Program assists eligible families, disable households, veterans and provides crisis assistance to Nicor residential heating customers. The program is funded through donations of Nicor customers and employees, and is available to customers once each year. Program eligibility is determined by total household income for the most recent 30-day period. To qualify, the total household income must fall between 150 and 250 percent of the poverty level, as defined by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services. Applicants must also be ineligible for State or Federal energy assistance programs (CEDA or LIHEAP). For more information or to apply, contact The Salvation Army Referral Desk by using the online form below. Clients must live in Chicagoland, Northern Illinois, or Northwest Indiana.