Devotional: Don’t look now, but Christmas is here

Dec 20, 2017

A Christmas letter from our leaders, Lt. Colonels Neal and Patty Richardson

You may remember an old commercial from a few years back that said, “Don’t let the holidays sneak up on you.” Don’t look now, but they’re here.

Christmas comes around quickly. It doesn’t sneak – it feels like it falls on you. Holiday marketing efforts seem to start earlier and earlier every year, with Christmas trees on the sales floors in September. This hastens the sense that Christmas is knocking on the door early. That feeling can cause any of us to feel anxious.

There are hundreds of people who are anxious every day and who will look to The Salvation Army for assistance with the basic needs that each one of us desire to have for ourselves and our families. This is the focus of The Salvation Army’s work at Christmas and throughout the year. Each year, the needs seem to get greater, and the resources shorter. But these needs don’t sneak up on us; they are before us every day.

In addition to tangible needs, the needs of the soul are just as important. Long before the birth of Christ, the prophets reminded the people of their need for a savior – a complete sacrifice and anointment for their sins – and they foretold of the coming and promised Messiah. The Prophet Isaiah had much to say to the nation of Israel about their misdeeds, their needs, and the gift that God would give them to satisfy it all.

For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. Isaiah 9:6-7a (NIV)

It is our prayer for you and your family this holiday season that you will hear the good news and receive with joy what God has given each one of us – a gift that will serve us well all of our days.

Christmas blessings,

Lt. Colonels Lonneal and Patty Richardson

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