The Weekly Devotion for the Week of March 25

Mar 22, 2024

God’s grace liberates us from the burden of guilt and shame, reconciling us to God and restoring our relationship with Him.

At the beginning of verse 43 – “To him all the prophets bear witness” – we are reminded that the story of Jesus is not merely confined to the pages of the New Testament.  It is deeply rooted in the prophecies of the Old Testament, a grand narrative woven throughout history, pointing to the coming of the Messiah.

Secondly, the verse says, “everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” The invitation of salvation is extended to all, irrespective of background, ethnicity, or social status.  It is a universal call to faith, beckoning us to embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Belief in Him is not merely an intellectual assent but a profound trust that transforms our lives.  It is a surrender to His will, a commitment to follow Him wholeheartedly, and a recognition of His reverence over our lives.

We are reminded that through believing in Him we receive forgiveness of our sins.  The forgiveness offered by Jesus is comprehensive and unconditional.  It knows no bounds and is available to all who come to Him in repentance.

Our forgiveness comes “through his name.”  The name of Jesus is not merely a label but a source of power and authority.  It is a name that demons tremble at, diseases are healed by, and lives are transformed through.  It is the name above all names through which salvation is made possible.

When we call upon the name of Jesus in faith, we are met with His saving grace, and our sins are washed away, paving the way for a new life in Him.

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